Monday, October 21, 2013

Beginning to feel like home

It's been a while since my last blog update, and God knows my family have been pestering me for a new one for a while now, so I apologise for the delay - but as you'll soon see, a lot has been happening for the last few weeks. Oh boy, where to even begin...

Well, to those of you back home who have been suffering through what I've been reliably informed is horrible Autumnal weather, and looking my glorious sunny beach photos through gritted teeth, this might help to make you feel a little less infuriated:

Yep, that's right; it rained here too... a lot! Just the other week, I opened my blinds one morning to a grey, cloudy sky, and just a few hours later the heavens well and truly opened. Nothing like some miserable weather to make a Brit feel at home! It was all a very surreal experience, as the lucky people of Southern California clearly aren't used to weather of the wetter variety. There was even a snow-day like hype surrounding the oncoming rain: whispers and rumours of it's arrival for days, people screaming "IT'S RAINING!!" at the sight of the first single drop of rain, and everyone dressing up with coats, hoods and umbrellas in anticipation (yes, that's right, some people had their umbrellas up before it even began to rain!) - it was all a very surreal experience. But even the heavy rain couldn't dampen our spirits in SoCal, as a wonderful international dinner with the other international students provided foods from all over the world (more than an of us could handle...), and there was also the small matter of an interview that day too, but more on that soon...

This however, was what the next day looked like:

...And the day after. And the day after that. And the day after that too. And every single day since... B)

So I just mentioned an interview on the rainy day, well let me put you out of your misery and explain, firstly by rewinding to a few days earlier. On the afternoon of the Monday of the week before last, whilst browsing Facebook I saw an advert on the university's film and media department page for a post-production internship opportunity at a local film production company. Interested by the opportunity, I sent them a quick email with my CV and a couple of examples of my work attached, not really expecting to hear much back from it but applying on a whim nonetheless. Well to my surprise, the next day I received a phone call from them asking a few questions, and inviting me to an interview - the next day! So on that dull rainy Wednesday, my flatmate Ej very kindly drove me down for my 2pm interview, which seemed to go well. Very well in hindsight, as after I left they actually rang the university film department to check that I was able to do it, and within just a few hours called me up to offer me the job! I was even able to drop a class from my timetable to take this on for course credit too. So as you can imagine, I am very excited to start working with them this Wednesday, and am still in shock at just how suddenly it all happened! The internship involves me helping with the editing of their film projects, from readying footage to applying after-effects, and maybe some production assistance too - so I'll be sure to keep you posted on how it all goes soon. Rest assured, the words 'film experience on the outskirts of LA/Hollywood' will soon be appearing on my CV...

So the internship is around a 15-20 minute drive away, and accessible by bus, and you know what else is? Disneyland! Yup, that is right, it's just down the road from us. So a couple days after all of this happened, me and my good ol' flatmate Ej drove down to do the inevitable; buy (and in Ej's case, renew) our annual passes! Need proof? Say no more...


I don't think I need to explain how fun it is there, and I've already been back again too; I'm determined to make the most out of my investment in an annual pass (which is discounted by the way, as I am both local and a student)!

Amongst the above, so much more has happened lately, including a trip to the IMAX cinema at the Spectrum Centre to see the new Sci-Fi Gravity - which is an incredible experience on IMAX and, dare I say it, in 3D too...

Last Friday, the university held an annual event known as 'Shocktoberfest' - where they get in a big name music act or two to perform a concert for the students. This year, the headlining acts were the world renowned rapping megastar expletive-filled performances of 'YG 400' and 'A$AP Rocky'!!!!!!! (No, I haven't heard of them either - and even having seen them live I still don't really know who they are; it all just sounds the same to me at least...)

Then the next morning, the international office held its first major event: a trip to the Getty Museum in LA - and it was FREE!! The trip was short, but good fun, and provided some incredible views of the smog-covered city of Los Angeles...

...and that just about brings us up to date. No doubt I've forgotten about and missed a number of things, but these are the main things that have happened over the past few weeks. Classes are all going well still, as my midterm exams quickly approach! As you can see in the photo below, I've been studying very hard too...

So 'til next time, this is Dave Startup signing off from Sunny Califor-ni-a! ;)

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